
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy Holidays!!!

Happy holidays everyone, I hope you use this winter recess to regroup and enjoy the time off. Each and everyone of you deserve the time off. All of us have worked really hard in the past four months. I have seen you make gains and apply the skills that each teacher at 751M have taught you.
**Homework packets have been sent home and the final project needs to be finalized.
**If you need additional help to complete the assignment, please ask your parents, guardian, or siblings to help out. Or you can always email me at***


**PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave a comment on the bottom of this post. Or email me at I will reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your comments.**

Another important reminder, I will be changing rooms and subject area with Ms. Lee (room 403) when we come back from the winter break. Ms. Lee will be teaching ADL. She is aware of how we conduct our class. She will follow the same routines that are firmly in place such as the blog, class attendance and organization of class supplies, trip, and binder/folder system, and data collection.
I will be next door if you need help or just a simple smile.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


As we wrap up this month's reading, I would like each of you to think about a final project. I want you to challenge yourself and be as creative as possible. You have the option of writing a poem, performing a skit,  singing a song, a rap or creating a dance--all these different ways of interpreting the concepts  taught during this month. Generate or brainstorm some ideas you are comfortable completing over the winter recess break. I will give you time during class; however, the project will be finalized during the winter recess break.

Mr. Padilla (Global Studies), Mr. Timmins (ELA), and I (ADL) are collaborating on this final project. 
Please come to class tomorrow ready to share your ideas and your action plan.

Here is an idea for the students who were in my class last year:

**If you need additional help to complete the assignment, please ask your parents, guardian, or siblings to help out. Or you can always email me at***


**PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave a comment on the bottom of this post. Or email me at I will reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your comments.**

Monday, December 16, 2013

Nelson Mandela aka Mr. Grit

Many of you went on the community trip on Friday to see "Long Walk to Freedom." A movie about Nelson Mandela which tied into the novel and work we have been doing this month. For homework tonight, I would like you to write about how Nelson Mandela demonstrated grit. If you need reminding of the definition of grit, please refer back to past posts. 

Option 1
Homework: Complete the following assignment:
1) How did Nelson Mandela demonstrate grit in his life?
2) In what areas of his life did he was the most "gritty"?
3) How can you apply his examples of grit to your own life?

Option 2
For the students that did not attend the trip, could you please apply the three questions above to any member of the Finch, Cunningham, and Ewell family in To Kill a Mockingbird
Mayella Ewell

Bob Ewell

Atticus Finch
Scout Finch

**If you need additional help to complete the assignment, please ask your parents, guardian, or siblings to help out. Or you can always email me at***


**PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave a comment on the bottom of this post. Or email me at I will reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your comments.**

Thursday, December 12, 2013

GRIT! What is it! Do you have it?

Angela Lee Duckworth talks about her foundings at a 
TED Talks conference

"Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it's a marathon, not a sprint."--Angela Lee Duckworth

Please click to see-->The Key to Success

"So far, the best idea I've heard about building grit in kids is something called "growth mindset." This is an idea developed at Stanford University by Carol Dweck, and it is the belief that the ability to learn is not fixed, that it can change with your effort. Dr. Dweck has shown that when kids read and learn about the brain and how it changes and grows in response to challenge, they're much more likely to persevere when they fail, because they don't believe that failure is a permanent condition."--Angela Lee Duckworth

Homework: Complete 1 of 3 option. Be prepared to share out with your classmates and make connections to this month's novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Option 1: Do you have grit? If not or do, please explain how you demonstrate grit in your life. Provide evidence of grit by listing 5 ways in different areas of your life (school, home, and work or your community).

Option 2: Do you have grit? If not or do, please explain how you demonstrate grit in your life. Provide evidence of grit by writing 4 complete sentences in the different areas of your life (school, home, and work or your community).

Option 3: Do you have grit? If not or do, please explain how you demonstrate grit in your life. Provide evidence of grit by writing 5 complete sentences in the different areas of your life (school, home, and work or your community).

**If you need additional help to complete the assignment, please ask your parents, guardian, or siblings to help out. Or you can always email me at***


**PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave a comment on the bottom of this post. Or email me at I will reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your comments.**

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Option 1

Option 2

Option 3: Compare and contrast the Cunninghams and Ewells in 5 complete sentences.

Monday, December 9, 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird

Main Characters in To Kill a Mockingbird
Mockingbird--symbol of innocence
Arthur Boo Radley
Jem Finch watches his Dad Atticus
 from the balcony of the courtroom.
Dill Harris
Atticus in court defending Tom Robinson.
Atticus and Tom Robinson in court.
Homework: Complete 1 of 3 options.

Option 1: Please write 3 sentences describe your view of the Finches based on the reading so far. 

Option 2: Please write 5 sentences describe your view of the Finches based on the reading so far. 

Option 3: Please write 5 sentences describe your view of the Finches based on the reading so far. Please include the provide the textual evidence in the book. This means identifying the page number where you found your evidence. 

**If you need additional help to complete the assignment, please ask your parents, guardian, or siblings to help out. Or you can always email me at***


**PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave a comment on the bottom of this post. Or email me at I will reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your comments.**

Friday, December 6, 2013

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."--Nelson Mandela

What doe the South African flag symbolize?

RED--the blood of the country

WHITE--the white people who live in South Africa
GREEN--the green landscape of the country

BLUE--the color of the sky in South Africa
YELLOW--the gold found and built the country
BLACK--the black people who live in South Africa
Y--the shape/letter symbolizes unity

Please click to view presentation-->Nelson Mandela

For information about Nelson Mandela, 
please also view this-->Nelson Mandela & Sports

More Information, please click onto-->New York Times Tribute

Homework: Complete 1 of 3 options.

Option 1: Please write 3 sentences describing how apartheid in South Africa is  similar to segregation in Alabama in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Option 2: Please write 5 sentences describing how apartheid in South Africa is  similar to segregation in Alabama in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Option 3: Please write 5 sentences describing the effects of apartheid in South African and the effects of segregation in Alabama in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, specifically the town of Maycomb.

**If you need additional help to complete the assignment, please ask your parents, guardian, or siblings to help out. Or you can always email me at***


**PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave a comment on the bottom of this post. Or email me at I will reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your comments.**