
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird

During your extended break to celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you will reflect on the positive aspects of life as well the areas which continue to challenge you. During these times it is important to keep doing the work even when you don't want to. Enjoy and rest. There is much to be done once we return. 

To Kill a Mockingbird Summary

Homework: Please view the video above by clicking onto the link and answer the following questions.
1) List some of the characters in the novel.
2) What is a mockingbird?
3) How is Scout's relationship with her father different from Okonkwo's relationship with his father?

Clue: Which character has a positive relationship with their father?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Next Month; Next Step

Artifacts of student work includes 4 square writing,
homework, monthly unit exam, and construction
 of concluding sentences for persuasive essays. 

November bulletin board with modified textual 
reading, vocabulary tests, Venn diagram, 
and labeling vocabulary with visual support.

Teacher models and writes down student
examples. Then students worked in groups to 
identify (by underlining) the linking/transitional words.

Finally, students worked independently 
utilizing the linking words for their essays.

Next step for the coming months, I want you continue the hard work we have been doing with persuasive essay writing for the next novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Homework: Like yesterday, complete 1 of 3 options. 

Option 1:Please use 3 of the transitional/linking words in complete sentences. 

Option 2:Please use 5 of the transitional/linking words in complete sentences. 

Option 3:Please use 7 of the transitional/linking words in complete sentences.


December Unit: Religious & Value Systems (To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Transition (Not the post-secondary kind but persuasive essay writing) & Next steps

Please review the transitional words to improve your essays. 

Homework: Complete 1 of 3 options. 

Option 1:Please use 3 of the transitional/linking words in a complete sentence. 

Option 2:Please use 5 of the transitional/linking words in a complete sentence. 

Option 3:Please use 7 of the transitional/linking words in a complete sentence. 


751M's application for the mini-grant to expand the school garden has been accepted. We will have more information in February. I would like to thank Ms. Asterita and Mr. Lokenauth (CTE teacher at the main site) for collaborating and supporting the vision. This blueprint was generated by Mr. Lokenauth.  

Friday, November 22, 2013

Over the Weekend

During the weekend, I would like you to go over the material taught this month--specifically on Igbo culture, marriage, traditions and masquerade There will be a test on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Review essay writing components

The five slides above are your primary focus when writing and providing evidence when defending your thesis statement. 



Writing Process

Students brainstormed a few elements
of an introduction in an essay.
The beginnings of a thesis statement. Students
identified their point of view Okonkwo and will develop
their essay with evidence from the text. 
A student's interpretation of Okonkwo along with a character analysis. 
Students move from 4 square writing to another
graphic organizer detailing their first paragraph in
their persuasive essay.  

Another example of student work. 
Students conducted peer editing. Students worked in pairs
and provided suggestions to each other. 

During peer editing, the partner suggested changing
the word "power" to "social status" since
it is a vocabulary word studied this month.
Excellent idea!!:-) He helped him make the change :-)
Homework: Complete 1 of 3 options. 



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Homework Blog

Please review yesterday's posts and complete the homework. Essay are difficult to begin, let only write but I believe we can meet the challenge. As discussed in class today, you can call each other and discuss the key points taught. We also have the "parking lot" in class. You can always email me at to voice any of your concerns or questions. Or ask your parent or guardian for help. There are many resources around you. 

See you tomorrow!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Prezi on Elements of an essay

Please click on the above link to get a better understand of persuasive essays.
Come to class and be prepared to explain some of the elements. 

Persuasive/Argumentative Essay Writing

A daily skill needed to survive and to prove you are right.
More importantly, to get what you want and to get your
point across!!!
Examples of differentiated work from all classes and a variety students
comparing and contrasting cultural differences and practices.
 A student from class V00 writing down the discussion answer. 
Student analyzing the book and the cultural influences taught
in different classes in 751M. Students were independently making
connections between the book and its culture. 
Students refer to past notes to synthesize their main idea/opinion for his persuasive essay. 
ClassX01 summarize some key events and themes in the novel.  
Homework: Complete 1 of 3 options.

Option 1: Some of you have not come up with an argument/opinion to start defending. Please do so for homework. 

Option 2: Based on previous lessons and posts, construct a list connecting the evidence from the text and secondary sources to prove your opinion/argument.

Option 3: Based on previous lessons and posts, construct 3 complete sentences connecting the evidence from the text and secondary sources to prove your opinion/argument. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Essay Writing

From class X01, students discussed the two
different types of masquerades practiced in
the Igbo culture. On the right-hand side,
students listed the keywords from the modified text
and from the videos seen and assigned on the blog. 

From class V00, students reviewed and recalled
the informational text from Prezi presentations
and videos from Vimeo. Students were given a graphic
organizer distinguishing opinion from facts. 

Class notes from today's lesson. This is the first step in the writing process called pre-writing. These notes are from two different classes. 

Homework: Please use the notes and previous blog posts as resources to begin step two of the writing process. 

Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Igbo Wedding

Please click to view a Modern day-->Traditional Igbo Wedding

Kola Nuts offered by the potential groom to the soon to be bride. 
Homework: Complete 1 of 3 options.

Option1: In such ritualized events as weddings and funerals, how do the Igbo people celebrate or mourn?

Option 2: Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the social structure portrayed in Things Fall Apart. For example, the culture is polygamous; the husband, wives, and children live in their own compound; children are cared for communally.

Option 3: List the advantages and disadvantages of having more than one wife as portrayed in Things Fall Apart. For example, the culture is polygamous; the husband, wives, and children live in their own compound; children are cared for communally.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Igbo Culture

Please click to view a video on -->Igbo Masquerade

Please click to view a Prezi Presentation on-->Igbo Language--Group A

Please click to view a Prezi Presentation on-->Igbo Language--Group B

Some notes from today's class and the answers to today's questions from two students in the bilingual class. 
1) What is Nigeria's currency? Naira (click this website from more information:
2) Is it the same as America? No

Homework: Complete 1 of 2 options. Answer the questions based on the material provided above and from previous lessons/posts in the blog. 

Option 1: Achebe presents details of daily village life in Umuofia, as well as details concerning the Igbo culture. Create a list describing the setting of the novel.

Option 2: Achebe suggests that Igbo culture is dynamic (constantly changing)--school unit for September.  Find evidence in the novel to support this notion.

**If you need additional help to complete the assignment, please ask your parents, guardian, or siblings to help out. Or you can always email me at***

More on Igbo Clothing

Above are some images of tradition and contemporary Igbo culture. As you can see, their fashion trends have changed over the years. Women no longer are topless and wear head wraps/dresses.

Igbo men wear red caps as a symbol of holding a title.

Please click on link to view ---> Igbo Clothing