
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

American vs. Igbo Clothing

Teaching point and the objectives for the day.
We used modified venn diagram to compare the two cultures and their views
on/use of clothing.
PS--Thank you Mr. Shepard for the graphic organizer. 
Student start the early stages of essay writing.
                      PREZI presentation
Please click on the link below (labeled Igbo Clothing) to get a quick review. Below are two Prezi presentation. This will appear again in a form of a quiz. Please re-familiarize yourself with the material.

Click on this link--->American vs. Igbo Clothing--Group A

 Homework: Complete 1 of 3 options.

How do you envision Okonkwo is be dressed based on the lesson today? 

Option 1: Create a list of 5 items describing how he would dress.

Option 2: Write five complete sentences describing how he would dress.

Option 3: Write five complete sentences describing how he would dress including the elements of essay writing as depicted in the 3rd picture. 

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